Case Study: Sellar - The Shard
- London Bridge
Project Details
Project Overview
AC plc played a pivotal role in the structural waterproofing and cladding to the spire area of The Shard and to the lower level back of house plant rooms. Mace were able to count on AC's experience in using a variation of waterproofing and cladding products throughout the job allowing us to undertake works that otherwise would have been split between numerous sub- contractor packages.
Scope and area of work on the project involved the waterproofing and decking to the public viewing gallery at level 72. We carried out works to the central steel core between level 67-86. This has been fire proofed and insulated with a Promat shaft wall system set internally within the steel structure. External to the steel work we have cladded the central mast with interlocking Trimoterm panels. These have then been surface fitted with a decorative Reynobond composite panel. We have also provided stainless doors and angles to risers at the five lift entrances.
All flat waterproofed areas on the project ranging from ground floor to level 72 have been 'inverted roof' scenarios with fully bonded Hydrotech membrane fitted direct to the structural slab. An extruded insulation board was then fitted on top of the waterproofing. Roof areas were then finished with washed ballast or 600 x 600 paving slabs. The fully bonded system ensures water is not able to track through any punctures in the membrane and the waterproofing is protected from direct sunlight and weathering.
Within back of house plant areas on level 29,30,51,66 and 67 we utilised the Trimoterm composite panels and a range of powder coated flashings to protect lower floors against any pipework failures.
To low level evacuation corridors we laid fibre reinforced Isopol unbonded screed that was eventually painted with Flowcrete Flowcoat SF41 waterproof paint.
We have also fitted ventilation louvre blades to the main plant area of the Shard, more commonly known as the 'back pack' area. We have fitted a wall of 50mm free air ventilation louvre blades to prevent the densely populated plant from overheating in this area.